A tale of two laterals

This patient came in wanting to get her laterals to match her centrals.  She had the centrals done at another office with a lab.  She liked how they looked and wanted to get the laterals to match.  

So the challenge was matching the centrals while making the laterals blend into the natural teeth.  I started with using biojaw to position the teeth and change the shape to more ovoid like the centrals. 

The design after that was pretty fast and simple.  I used the gingival mask to make sure the emergence was right with the pre retracted gingiva.  

The restorations, which were A2 HT to match the slight grey of the centrals(most likely HT Emax as well),  were then stain and glazed with GC luster paste and then cemented with variolink esthetic.  I used the warm to give a subtle transition between the centrals and the more lively looking canines. 

The final result is good considering I am having to match natural teeth with previously restored central incisors.  The patient was very happy with the result.  

really like that.  nice work OB!

Great case Darin.



very very nice

Madame LeFarge would not knit you in

Wow Darin, nice result.

Can you give a little more detail on your preps? Did you do a gingival margin prep or design over existing tooth with no prep?

Very very nice.

That's a great result!  I think laterals are the toughest teeth to make look perfect.  Can you mention what colors from the Gc paste went into this, and was it all in a single bake or multiple?

Great work Darin.

On 12/21/2015 at 3:56 pm, Pete Becher said...

Wow Darin, nice result.

Can you give a little more detail on your preps? Did you do a gingival margin prep or design over existing tooth with no prep?

Due to large existing restorations I went ahead and wrapped to the lingual completely.  Also due to how her lower teeth occluded and where the restorations ended I didn't want my margins occluded on so I did full preparations. 

Here is a picture of one of the preps


Did you do any sort of gingival recontouring to the laterals for a better esthetic result?


On 12/21/2015 at 5:46 pm, Jason Ford said...


Did you do any sort of gingival recontouring to the laterals for a better esthetic result?


Very minor on #7 nothing on 10. 


On 12/21/2015 at 4:07 pm, Daniel Butterman said...

That's a great result!  I think laterals are the toughest teeth to make look perfect.  Can you mention what colors from the Gc paste went into this, and was it all in a single bake or multiple?

Let me check on which colors I actually used. I honestly don't remember.  I did this one in two fires.  Which is pretty much standard for any anterior cases that I do.  I may try some glaze on the first fire if it looks like an easy one just in case I get lucky.  But one that is more complex like this I will do in two fires. Or three.  Or maybe 4. 


Looks Great Darin! Laterals can be tough but you did a wonderful job.

Thanks for sharing,
