
Most who read these blogs are techno geeks. Go ahead, admit it! When things go right with technology, life can be a breeze. But, when things don't go so well...

Ever heard the saying "Mercury is in Retrograde"? What I know about it is mechanical things begin to break down during this time. I really don't believe in this. HOWEVER, my receptionists told me last week it had started. No big deal, right?

Well, warning light comes on in my car. iPod starts going crazy. Sterilizer breaks down. My server goes down! I'm on the phone today talking to a specialist and my phone goes dead. Will have it fixed by noon tomorrow. And that is not the worst part. When you call the office, you get this message from Verizon: This number is disconnected and no longer in service!

Well, this is being written at 35,000 feet. Hope Delta has taken good care of this plane. You'll know they have if I post a blog next week. See you then...I hope!