Multiple Restorations with 4.0

So, the neat thing in 4.0 is the ability to do multiple restorations. Not only multiple restorations on the same arch, but on opposing arches as well. Beta tester extraordinaire Dr. Bobby Chaggar ran some tests on which order you should propose the restorations.

Which is better?

Doing the mandibular first or the maxillary?

What about when you are doing two restorations in the same arch? Obviously you can propose both together, but sometimes, time-wise, it’s better to do one at a time to take advantage of the time savings.

Regardless – during beta testing, what Bobby found out was that if you are proposing two restorations together, propose the distal before the mesial and propose the mandibular before the maxillary. This will give you nice results and it will result in proposals that require the least amount of work. There are some great videos on this on the site that you can check out that go into the details of what happens when you don’t propose things in the proper order. Review them, and you will learn a ton about how the software functions:

Quadrant Rules in 4.0

Proposing Two Restorations – Mesial or Distal First?