Dentistry Using a Scope


I'     I' ve found that to do exceptional dentistry, you need magnification.  I use a Zeiss scope in the office and I have found that it not only allows me to see things that I would never be able to see, but it saves my back.  Being 6'4", I needed something that would prevent poor posture while working and the scope was just the ticket.  Next time you are at the Scottsdale Center, try one of the many scopes we have in our operatories and see for yourself how great the scope can be.


Sam you forgot to mention a few other things.
* The amazing lighting
* The stressless endodontics
* The orange filter that allows extended time with any light cured material
* Attach a camera and no need for an intra-oral camera
Need I go on:)

6'4"----so THAT'S how tall you are ;)
I am only 5'6" but I still find the scope to be a valuable tool!

what magnification is your "crusing mag"?

Great points Stuart.

Phil- I use the Pro Ergo from Zeiss so there is no set mag- I just try to get 1/4 arch as my working field and then zoom in as needed.