Use of Gingiva Mask in the CEREC Software

One of the most popular procedures to be doing with our CEREC software presently is designing full contour screw retained implant crowns. One thing that I find can make this frustrating is designing the restoration using the Gingiva Mask. There have been many threads on the Discussion Boards about this so I wanted to show an example of screen shots that demonstrates how the initial proposal of exact same restoration is very different when you have the Gingiva Mask activated vs not activated.  

Notice what happens in the following pictures when I did not deactivate the use of the Gingiva Mask in the proposal. It is highlighted yellow in the tools so that means it will be used in the proposal.  Once I redraw the baseline, look at the buccal and lingual of the initial proposal.  It would take some time to make that user friendly. 







Now notice the last four pictures when I deactivated the Gingiva Mask. I redrew the base line to represent the emergence of the restoration and look at how nice the initial proposal is.






Try this and see if it helps make designing full contour implant crowns with the TiBase a bit easier.

Great insight Rich...should cut an easy 10 minutes off trying to make the first proposal work!!