Predictable Anterior BioCopy

Thomas Monahan Bob Conte
6 years ago

This was a case we tackled this morning. The patient wished to improve her smile. The plan was for crowns across teeth #6-11. At the initial visit last week we took impressions to have a wax up created.



The wax up is scanned into the BioCopy folder prior to the patients arrival to the office. Now COPY the contents of the BioCopy folder into the Upper folder. You will have exact duplicate data.


After the preps are completed. Use the cut tool and cut out teeth #6-11. Now image the preps starting slightly posteriorly and you will obtain a 1/2 stone and 1/2 human patient working model. Take the buccal bite and lower scans as well


After drawing the BioCopy lines the resulting proposal is a duplicate of the wax up. This has been a very predictable technique for me when doing my huge "Rhode Island makeovers" of 2, 4 or 6 anterior teeth. This was done in 4 hours. I'll post the finals after she stops hemorrhaging.

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