Endless Summer

Thomas Monahan Jeffrey Caso
13 years ago

WOW, what a great summer this has been! Here in the northeast we have been enjoying spectacular weather. I for one have been cramming so much into each and every day. Work has been super busy with the usual run of back to school checkups and those reassurance visits that patients need before they take off for vacation. Ten-hour work days have been the norm as well as an unusually high volume of after-hours calls.

I haven't let the daily work grind slow me down in the least. Post-work picnics on the beach and twilight swims have been a common occurrence, as have fishing trips, relaxing in the yard and good old-fashioned family time. While the signs of a waning summer are becoming more and more apparent, there is still a great deal of time left to indulge some more.

Cooler nights, earlier sunsets and the appearance of late summer green flies signal both an end and a new beginning. Early in the summer I blogged about this being the last summer for us before my oldest son heads off to college. I vowed to make this a great family summer and it has lived up to all of our expectations. Next week we will be packing up the car and heading out to drop him off. My sadness early on has turned into excitement for him. He is ready and so are we.

Now, that's me talking right now. Maybe I will change my tune when the moment arrives but so far so good. I am happy that work is busy because that helps to keep the mind on the straight and narrow. Not only is work demanding but very shortly the release of the 4.0 software will require that more time be spent on the message boards assisting people with the transition. This is a good thing.

So, next week I will blog about the actual drop off at school and how it has affected me. If you see me posting on the boards at 3 am you can make your own determination. As for now, we still have a few more days to spend together. See you in September.

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