Getting out of 'The Box'

Thomas Monahan Mike Skramstad
13 years ago

I feel compelled to write something on Facially Generated Treatment Planning...

This course is shockingly good. Actually, it's far and away the very best course I've ever been to.

I'm writing this not to ask, but to TELL all you CEREC owners that this is a course that you must take. I've learned more in two days about dentistry and treatment planning that I have in 11 years of practice.

Ours is a rare group, cerecdoctors, because we all thrive on technology and constantly improving ourselves. We are different than the majority of dentists (trust me) because we constantly take time away from our office and families to be better dentists. But sometimes we have to get outside of our beloved CEREC boxes.

As someone who spends time teaching rather than attending courses, I will freely admit that I have gotten stuck in a box the last several years. My entire professional life has revolved around CEREC. Whether it's teaching, testing, treating patients or just plain learning the intricacies of the software, I have neglected other areas of dentistry that I feel will make me a better dentist.

Facially Generated Treatment Planning has opened up my eyes quite a bit. I feel like a lot of you do after attending one of our advanced courses...rejuvenated! I'm excited like I haven't been in awhile and cannot wait to finish the Spear Curriculum and become a more well-rounded dentist.

For some of you this isn't anything new... Others have been stuck in a box for many years like me. I encourage you all to expand your horizons and look past your CEREC from time to time. There is a lot out there to learn.

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