Multitasking When Using CEREC

Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
10 years ago

I love to try and multitask when I do CEREC restorations. One of the things I attempt to try and do to maximize my time and the time of the patient without adding time to the appointment is to do simple restorations like class Vs or incisal restorations. I like to hit mill and then race the milling unit and oven. I found my most favorite tool ever to help me accomplish this feat, the OptraSculpt Pad from Ivoclar. This device makes doing class V restorations easy and helps to really blend in the composite to the tooth like no other instrument I have ever used. It has a small or large foam pad that can be used to manipulate composite and seamlessly blend it in to the natural enamel. If you are doing incisal composite fillings, it has a nice tool along the handle to measure or help with golden proportions. It is a must for me in my anterior composite armamentarium.  I've included some photos from their site. This has made adding a few composite restorations during milling and firing one of the easiest things. Check it out!!



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