Thomas Monahan Rich Rosenblatt
10 years ago

This patient came in recently with pain with tooth #2. I forgot to take a pre op picture, but patient had #2 and #4 present and they had Akers clasps on them. #2 was mobile and needed to be extracted. Patient wanted to add a tooth to the partial. He wasn't thrilled about losing it so I figured why not copy the tooth before I extract it and glue it into the clasp. Worked like a charm.  


Once I got the pre op images, I copied it to the upper arch folder. I cut out #2 from the upper arch folder. I extracted #2 and placed a cotton pellet into the socket to make it easier to image. I used the Replace Tool in the Edit Model window to get a flat area on the gingiva. When I went to marginate, I turned on the upper pre op and made it transparent and drew the margin just inside the perimeter of the pre existing restoration. I milled the restoration and it fit the clasp like a glove.  


I used medical grade cyanoacrylate to adhere the restoration to the clasp and then used some bonding agent and composite around it. I have no clue how long it will hold but I didn't charge the patient. I wanted to see how it would work. If the “repair” comes off, I may wrap the composite over the clasps for some extra retention. I love being able to think outside the box with CEREC. This definitely would have been tougher with Bluecam because of the powder and the extraction site!










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